PhotographyPhotography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of light. Light reflected from an object forms a picture on a material sensitive to light. This picture is then chemically processed into a photograph. The word photography comes from Greek words meaning to write or draw with light. A photograph is basically a picture drawn with rays of light.Nearly all photographs are made with cameras. A camera works in much the same way as the human eye. Like the eye, a camera takes in rays of light that are reflected from an object and focuses the rays into an image. But the camera records the image on film. As a result, the image not only can be made permanent but also can be seen by an unlimited number of people. Photography enriches our lives in many ways. From photographs, we can learn about people in other parts of the world. Photographs show us scenes from such historic events as the American Civil War and the first landing on the moon by human beings. Photos also remind us of special people and important events in our own lives. Millions of people throughout the world take pictures of their family, friends, vacations, and celebrations. In addition to recording things and people we can see, photographs capture many images outside our range of vision. Cameras can travel where human beings cannot go--beyond the moon, to the bottom of the ocean, and inside the human body. Photographs taken through telescopes reveal distant objects that are too faint for the human eye to see. By using a camera in combination with a powerful microscope and highly concentrated light, physicists photograph collisions of subatomic particles. Pictures made on film sensitive to heat radiation help physicians detect certain forms of cancer and other diseases. Cameras can also "see" events in a way that the eye cannot. High-speed cameras record action that occurs so rapidly we see it only as a blur. Through this type of photography, scientists examine moving parts of machinery and study hummingbirds in flight. Other kinds of cameras "speed up" processes, such as the growth of a plant or the opening of a cocoon, that take place too slowly to observe. Scientific research is only one of the many fields in which photography plays an important role. In advertising, photographs are the most widely used means of publicizing products and services. Photography is such an essential part of news reporting that photojournalism has become a specialized field. Mug shots and pictures taken with hidden cameras help the police track down criminals. Military leaders use aerial photographs to learn about enemy troop movements and plan battle strategy. Anthropologists and sociologists study photos of various groups of people for clues to patterns of human behavior. Some photographs, like great paintings, have lasting value as works of art. Such pictures, through the photographer's imagination and technical skill, are exceptionally beautiful or express significant ideas. A crude type of camera was developed by about 1500. However, the first true photograph was not made until 1826. Early photographers needed much equipment and a knowledge of chemistry. Gradually, as a result of the scientific and technical discoveries of the 1800's and 1900's, cameras became more efficient and easier to operate. Today, a person can take a picture simply by aiming the camera and pressing a button. An instant camera can produce a photo in about 15 seconds. Photography can be divided into two general areas--still photography and motion pictures. This article discusses still photography. The Photographic ProcessThere are five principal steps in the photographic process: (1) capturing light rays, (2) focusing the image, (3) exposing the film, (4) developing the film, and (5) making a print. This section describes the process of making a black-and-white photograph. The procedures used for making color photographs and instant prints are discussed in the Developing and printing section of this article. Capturing light rays. A camera is basically a box with a small aperture (opening) at one end and film at the other end. The inside of a camera must be completely dark so that rays of light reach the film only through the aperture. A device called a shutter opens when the camera is being used to take a picture. The shutter remains closed at all other times in order to keep light away from the film.
In nearly all cameras, the aperture is part of a lens system. The lens system concentrates incoming rays of light on the film. In this way, the lens gathers enough light to expose the film in only a fraction of a second. Without a lens, the exposure might have to last as long as several minutes. When the shutter opens, light from an object passes through the aperture and forms an image of the object on the film. Rays of light from the top of the object go through the aperture and strike the lower part of the film. Light rays from the bottom of the object form the upper part of the image. Thus, the image on the film is upside down. Focusing the image. In addition to concentrating the incoming rays of light, the camera lens serves to focus them on the film. As the light rays pass through the aperture into the camera, the lens bends them so that they form a sharp image. The sharpness of the image depends on the distance between the object and the lens, and between the lens and the film. Many cameras have a focusing mechanism that moves the lens forward and backward. In other cameras, the lens is fixed. Such cameras automatically focus on objects at a certain distance from the lens. See Lens. Exposing the film. Black-and-white film is a thin sheet of paper or plastic with a coating called an emulsion. The emulsion consists of tiny grains of silver salts held together by gelatin, a jellylike substance. Silver salts are highly sensitive to light and undergo chemical changes when exposed to it. The degree of change in the salts depends on the amount of light that reaches them. A large amount of light causes a greater change than does a small amount. The light that reaches the film varies in intensity. Light-colored objects reflect much light, and dark colors reflect little or no light. Therefore, the silver salts on the film react differently to different colors. Light from a white or yellow object changes the salts greatly. Light from a gray or tan object changes them only slightly. Black objects do not reflect any light and thus have no effect on the salts. The chemical changes in the silver salts produce a latent image on the film. This image cannot be seen, but it contains all the details that will appear in the photograph. Developing the film. After the film has been exposed, it can be removed from the camera. However, it must then be kept away from light because further exposure would destroy the latent image. The film is taken to a darkroom or a photographic laboratory. There, it is treated with chemical developers that convert the silver salts on the emulsion into metallic silver. The image on the film then becomes visible. During development, the silver salts that received much light form a thick deposit of silver and appear dark on the film. The salts that received little or no light form a thin metallic layer or no layer at all. They appear light or clear on the film. Thus, the light colors and dark colors of the subjects photographed are reversed on the film. For example, a piece of coal would appear white on the film, and a snowball would look black. The developed film is called a negative. Before further processing, negatives are treated with a chemical solution that makes the image on the film permanent. Making a print is similar to exposing and developing film. Like film, printing paper is coated with a light-sensitive emulsion. Light passes through the negative and exposes the paper, forming a latent image. After development and chemical treatment, the image on the printing paper is visible and permanent. During exposure, the dark areas of the negative hold back much light. These dark areas show up as light areas on the print. The light and clear areas of the negative let a large amount of light pass through to the printing paper. They appear as dark areas on the print. Thus, the tones of the print reproduce those of the objects photographed. Taking PhotographsTo take a truly good photograph, you must follow certain principles of photography. You should try to "see" as the camera does--that is, be aware of the elements that compose a picture. You also should know the effects of different types of light on film. Many cameras have controls that adjust the focus of the image and the amount of incoming light. In using such adjustable cameras, you need to know how the lens works and how exposure can be controlled. These aspects of good photography can be grouped as (1) composition, (2) light, (3) focusing, and (4) exposure. CompositionLine. There are two principal kinds of lines in photography, real lines and implied lines. Real lines are physically visible. For example, telephone poles and the edges of buildings form real lines. Implied lines are created by nonphysical factors, such as a pointing gesture or a person's gaze. Both real lines and implied lines can be used to direct a viewer's eye to various parts of a picture. In most effective photographs, the lines draw attention to the main subject. The direction of these lines can also be used to reinforce the mood of a picture. Vertical lines, such as those of a tower or a tall tree, may convey a sense of dignity and grandeur. Horizontal lines tend to suggest peace and stillness, and diagonal ones may emphasize energy and tension. Shape is the chief structural element in the composition of most photographs. It enables the viewer to immediately recognize the objects in a picture. Shape also adds interest to composition. The shape of such objects as rocks and seashells is interesting in itself. A combination of different shapes provides variety. For example, an outdoor scene can be made more interesting by contrasting the jagged shape of a fence with the soft curves of hills and clouds. Space is the area between and surrounding the objects in a photograph. Space can be used to draw attention to the main subject and to isolate details in the picture. However, large amounts of space tend to detract from a picture's interest. A general principle for the use of space is that it should not occupy more than a third of the photo. Tone or color adds depth to the composition of a photograph. Without this element, the shapes and spaces in a picture would appear flat. In black-and-white photography, the colors of objects are translated into tones of black, gray, and white. These tones help establish the mood of a picture. If light tones dominate the photo, the mood may seem happy and playful. A picture with many dark tones may convey a sense of sadness or mystery. Color, like tone, carries an emotional message. In a color photograph, such bright colors as red and orange create an impression of action and energy. Blue, green, and other softer colors are more restful to the eye and may suggest a feeling of peace. According to many professional photographers, a color picture should have one dominant color and a balance between bright colors and softer shades. LightNatural light and artificial light have certain characteristics that greatly affect the quality of photographs. These characteristics include (1) intensity, (2) color, and (3) direction. Intensity is the quantity or brightness of light. Photographers measure the intensity of light to determine the lighting ratio of a scene. The lighting ratio is the difference in intensity between the areas that receive the most light and those that receive the least. On a sunny day or in a room with bright lights, the lighting ratio is likely to be high. On a cloudy day or in dim indoor light, the ratio is probably low. The lighting ratio affects the degree of contrast in a photograph. A high lighting ratio may produce sharp images with strongly contrasting light and dark tones. A low ratio creates softer images with a wide range of medium tones. Thus, a high lighting ratio can increase the sense of drama and tension in a picture. A low ratio makes portraits and still-life photographs look more natural. Most lighting ratios can be used with black-and-white film. In taking color photographs, however, a high lighting ratio may make some colors appear either faint or excessively dark. Color. The color of light varies according to its source, though most of these variations are invisible to the human eye. For example, ordinary light bulbs produce reddish light, and fluorescent light is basically blue-green. The color of sunlight changes during the day. It tends to be blue in the morning, white at about noon, and pink just before sunset. Variations in the color of light make little difference in a black-and-white photograph. However, they produce a wide variety of effects in color pictures. To control these effects, you can use color filters on your camera, or you can use color film that is designed for different types of indoor and outdoor lighting. Such accessories are discussed in the Photographic equipment section of this article. Direction refers to the direction from which light strikes a subject. Light may reach a subject from the front, the back, the side, or the top. Light may also strike a subject from several directions at once. The direction of light greatly affects how the subject looks in the picture. Front lighting comes from a source near or behind the camera. This type of lighting shows surface details clearly. However, it should be avoided for pictures of people because the light makes them squint and casts harsh shadows under their features. Back lighting comes from a source behind the subject. Light from this direction casts a shadow across the front of the subject. To fill in the shadow, additional light from a flashbulb or electronic flash can be used. This technique is called flash fill-in. If the back lighting is extremely bright, the picture may show only the outline of the subject. Back lighting can be used in this way to create silhouettes. Side lighting shines on one side of the subject. Shadows fall on the side opposite the source of the light. Flash fill-in can be used to lighten these shadowed areas. Side lighting does not show surface detail as clearly as front lighting does, but it creates a strong impression of depth and shape. Top lighting comes from a source directly above the subject. It is used most frequently in situations where other types of lighting would cause a glare or reflection in a picture. For example, top lighting may be used to photograph fish in an aquarium or objects in a display case or behind a window because the light will not be reflected by the glass. FocusingIn nonadjustable cameras--that is, cameras without a control to adjust the focus--focusing depends on taking pictures at a certain distance from the subject. Most such cameras are designed to focus on subjects more than 6 feet (1.8 meters) away. If the subject is closer than 6 feet, the picture will be blurred. Adjustable cameras have a focusing mechanism that changes the distance between the lens and the film. Many of these cameras contain a built-in viewing screen that provides an image of the subject while the photographer focuses. Various devices on the viewing screen indicate the proper focus. In some cameras, the viewing screen shows two identical images or one image split into two halves. To focus, the photographer turns the focusing control until the double image becomes one sharp image or until the two halves come together. In other cameras, tiny dots appear on the screen until the image has been focused. ExposureIn nonadjustable cameras, the exposure is set automatically. Most adjustable cameras have controls that regulate the incoming light. To set the exposure, the photographer adjusts the settings on these controls. Controlling exposure. Adjustable cameras have two controls that regulate exposure. One of these controls changes the speed of the shutter, and the other changes the size of the aperture. Shutter speed is the amount of time the shutter remains open to let light expose the film. A slow shutter speed lets in a large amount of light, and a fast shutter speed admits only a little. Many adjustable cameras have a range of shutter speeds that vary from 30 seconds to 1/8,000 of a second. These speeds are represented by whole numbers on the standard scale of shutter speeds. The number 500 on the scale stands for 1/500 of a second, 250 means 1/250 of a second, and so on. Each number on the scale represents twice the speed of the preceding number or half the speed of the next number. At a setting of 250, for example, the shutter works twice as fast as at a setting of 125 and half as fast as at a setting of 500. Fast shutter speeds enable photographers to take sharp pictures of moving subjects. Any movement of the subject will be recorded as a blur while the shutter remains open. At a setting of 1/1,000 of a second or faster, the shutter is open for such a short time that even the motion of a speeding race car appears to be "stopped." Most ordinary movement can be stopped at shutter-speed settings of 1/60 or 1/125. Aperture size is changed by a device called a diaphragm, which consists of a circle of overlapping metal leaves. The diaphragm expands to make the aperture larger and contracts to make it smaller. A large aperture admits more light than a small one.
The various sizes of an aperture are called f-stops or f-numbers. On most adjustable cameras, the f-stops range from 1.4 or 1.8 to 22 or 32 and include 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, and 16. The smaller the number, the larger the size of the aperture. Like the shutter speeds, each f-stop lets in either twice as much light as the preceding setting or half as much light as the next higher setting. For example, if you open up the setting from f/11 to f/8, the aperture admits twice as much light into the camera. If you stop down the setting from f/11 to f/16, the aperture lets half as much light into the camera. Changes in the size of the aperture affect the overall sharpness of the picture. As the aperture becomes smaller, the area of sharpness in front of and behind the subject becomes larger. This area of sharpness is called depth of field. It extends from the nearest part of the subject area in focus to the farthest part in focus. A small aperture, such as f/11 or f/16, creates great depth of field. As you open up the aperture, the area in focus becomes shallower. At f/4 or f/2, the subject will be in focus, but objects in the foreground and background may be blurred. Setting the exposure. The proper exposure for a picture depends chiefly on (1) the lighting, (2) the subject, and (3) the desired depth of field. Each of these factors may require an adjustment in shutter speed or aperture size. You must choose a combination of settings that will meet all the requirements. The amount of light in a scene affects both shutter speed and aperture size. On a cloudy day, you should reduce the shutter speed and increase the f-stop. On a sunny day, you should use settings for a fast shutter and a small aperture. Certain types of artificial lighting have special requirements for exposure. The type of subject to be photographed may require an adjustment in the shutter speed, and depth of field may determine the aperture size. If the subject is moving, you must increase the shutter speed to prevent blurring. If you want a large area of the picture to be in sharp focus, you should choose a small aperture to provide greater depth of field. If you adjust either the shutter speed or the aperture size, you must also adjust the other. A fast shutter speed stops the action, but it also reduces the amount of light reaching the film. To make up for this reduction in light, you should increase the f-stop. Similarly, a small aperture increases depth of field but reduces the amount of incoming light. Therefore, you should change to a slower shutter speed. Suppose you want to photograph some squirrels on a sunny day. A suitable exposure for this type of lighting might be a shutter speed of 1/60 and an aperture of f/11. If the squirrels are moving, you might decide to increase the shutter speed to 1/125. This speed is twice as fast as 1/60, and so half as much light will reach the film. You should make the aperture twice as large by setting it at f/8. In the same way, if you change the shutter speed to 1/250--four times as fast--you should change the f-stop to f/5.6--four times as large. You may want the photograph to include some acorns on the ground in front of the squirrels, and also the trees in the background. You can increase depth of field by reducing the size of the aperture. At a setting of f/16, the film will receive half as much light as it did at f/11. You should also change the shutter to the next slowest speed, so that the film will be exposed for twice as long. Photographic EquipmentCamerasCameras can be classified in several ways. One widely used classification is based on the viewing system. The principal types of viewing systems are the (1) range finder, (2) single-lens reflex, and (3) twin-lens reflex. Range finder cameras have a viewing system that is separate from the lens. On most of these cameras, the viewfinder is a small window to the left of the lens. An angled mirror behind the lens reflects a second image of the subject into the viewfinder. To focus, a person looks through the viewfinder and adjusts the focusing mechanism until the two images come together. The focused image in the viewfinder differs from the image on the film. This difference is called parallax error. To help correct for parallax error, the viewfinder on most range finder cameras has lines that frame the subject area "seen" by the lens. The majority of range finder cameras are lightweight and relatively inexpensive. They use film that measures 35 millimeters (about 13/8 inches) wide. Single-lens reflex cameras enable a photographer to look at a subject directly through the lens. A mirror mechanism between the lens and the film reflects the image onto a viewing screen. When the shutter release button is pressed, the mirror rises out of the way so that the light exposes the film. Thus, the photographer sees the image almost exactly as it is recorded on the film, and parallax error is avoided.
Most single-lens reflex cameras use 35-millimeter film and are heavier and more expensive than range finder models. These cameras have the advantage of a wide variety of interchangeable lenses. Their standard lens can be replaced by lenses that change the size and depth relationships of objects in a scene. Such lenses include wide-angle lenses, telephoto lenses, macro lenses, and zoom lenses. A wide-angle lens provides a wider view of a scene than a standard lens does. It is used for large scenes and in locations where the photographer cannot move back far enough to photograph the entire scene. A telephoto lens makes objects appear larger and closer. It enables photographers to take detailed pictures of distant subjects. A macro lens, which is used in extreme close-up photography, focuses on subjects from a short distance. A zoom lens combines many features of standard, wide-angle, and telephoto lenses. Twin-lens reflex cameras have their viewing lens directly above the picture-taking lens. The image in the viewing lens is reflected onto a screen at the top of the camera. A person holds the camera at waist- or chest-level and looks down at the viewing screen. A twin-lens reflex camera has several advantages. Its viewing screen is much larger and clearer than those of eye-level cameras. Most twin-lens reflex models use film that produces negatives measuring 21/4 by 21/4 inches (5.7 by 5.7 centimeters). However, these cameras are subject to parallax error and are heavier than the majority of single-lens reflex cameras. Also, most twin-lens reflex cameras do not have interchangeable lenses. FilmSpeed is the amount of time required for film to react to light. The speed of a film determines how much exposure is needed to record an image of the subject. A fast film reacts quickly to light and needs little exposure. This type of film is useful for scenes that have dim light or involve fast action. A medium-speed film requires moderate exposure and is suitable for average conditions of light and movement. A slow film needs much exposure and should be used for stationary subjects in a brightly lighted scene. The principal systems of measuring film speed are the DIN system, used chiefly in Western Europe, and the international ASA and ISO systems. ASA stands for the American Standards Association, and ISO stands for the International Standards Organization. The higher the ASA or ISO number, the faster the film. Films that have numbers of 200 or higher are generally considered fast. Medium-speed films have numbers ranging from 80 to 125, and slow films are numbered lower than 80. Graininess is the speckled or hazy appearance of some photographs. It is caused by clumps of silver grains on the film. The degree of graininess depends on the speed of the film. A fast film is more sensitive to light than other films are because its emulsion contains larger grains of silver salts. The fastest films produce the grainiest pictures. Medium-speed films and slow films produce little or no graininess in standard-sized prints, though some graininess may appear in enlargements. Color sensitivity refers to a black-and-white film's ability to record differences in color. On the basis of color sensitivity, black-and-white films are classified into several types, including panchromatic film and orthochromatic film. Panchromatic film, the most widely used type, is sensitive to all visible colors. Orthochromatic film records all colors except red. It is used chiefly by commercial artists to copy designs that have few colors. Color balance applies only to color film. Such film is sensitive to all colors, including those of different kinds of light. The human eye sees light from most sources as white. But color film records light from light bulbs as reddish, light from fluorescent bulbs as blue-green, and daylight as slightly blue. Variations in the emulsions of different types of color film make the film less sensitive to certain colors. These variations balance the color of light recorded on the film so colors in the photograph appear natural. Most color film is balanced either for daylight or for specific types of artificial light. Lighting EquipmentExposure meters, also called light meters, help determine the correct exposure. Exposure meters are held in the hand or are built into a camera. Handheld meters record the light in a scene and indicate the camera settings for the proper exposure. Built-in meters measure the light that strikes the lens of the camera. Light readings appear on a scale on the viewing screen. Some cameras with exposure meters automatically adjust the shutter speed and aperture size to the amount of light available. Exposure meters are classified according to the way they measure light. They include (1) reflected light meters and (2) incident light meters. Many handheld instruments can be used as both types of meters. Most built-in meters are reflected light meters. Reflected light meters measure the light reflected from a scene toward the camera. Various areas in the scene reflect different amounts of light. Most built-in meters show the average amount of light reflected from all the areas. To measure reflected light with a handheld meter, the meter should be aimed at the main part of the scene. If there are strong contrasts in light and shadow, separate readings of the brightest and darkest areas should be taken and then averaged. Incident light meters measure the light falling on a subject. When measuring this kind of light, the photographer should stand near the subject and point the meter toward the spot where the photo will be taken. Artificial lighting devices. The most widely used sources of artificial lighting are (1) flashbulbs and (2) electronic flash. Both flash systems provide a short burst of light. Many professional photographers use lighting devices called photoflood lamps, which can provide continuous light for several hours. Most cameras have a built-in device called a flash synchronizer. A flash synchronizer coordinates the flash system with the shutter, so that the greatest brightness of the flash occurs at the instant the shutter reaches its full opening. On many cameras, the flash synchronizer works for flashbulbs at a shutter setting of M and for electronic flash at a setting of X. Flashbulbs are powered by batteries or are activated by a device on the camera. A flashbulb contains fine wire filament that spans two metal prongs called the primer. The filament ignites and creates the flash when an electric current passes through the primer. Each flashbulb supplies one burst of light. Flashbulbs vary widely in size and intensity. Most camera manuals specify the type to use. The most widely used flashbulb units are flashcubes and flashbars. A flashcube consists of four small flashbulbs set in the sides of a cube that plugs into a rotating fixture on the top of certain cameras. After each flash, the cube rotates so that a fresh bulb is pointed at the subject. A flashbar is a set of five or more flashbulbs that fits onto the top of most instant cameras. In other flashbulb units, individual bulbs fit into a firing device called a flash gun. A flash gun may be attached to the camera or connected to it by means of a cable. In fixed-focus cameras, flash pictures will be correctly exposed if taken at a certain distance from the subject. This distance is listed in the camera manual. In adjustable cameras, the flash exposure is controlled by changing the size of the aperture. To determine the proper f-stop, find the guide number in the instructions that come with the flashbulbs. Then divide the guide number by the number of feet between the flashbulb and the subject. For example, if the guide number is 80 and the distance is 10 feet, the correct f-stop would be f/8. Electronic flash units operate on batteries or on electricity from an outlet. They contain an ionized (electrically charged) gas inside a sealed tube. The gas emits a burst of bright light when an electric current is passed through it. Electronic flash units can fire thousands of flashes. Each flash provides as much light as a flashbulb but lasts a much shorter time. Electronic flash equipment ranges from small flash guns that fit onto the top of a camera to large studio units. Some flash devices are small enough to be built into cameras. Electronic flash units are more expensive than most flashbulb units but cost less per flash. FiltersThe most widely used filters include ultraviolet filters, polarizing filters, and color filters. An ultraviolet filter reduces haze. It is useful for photographing distant subjects and for taking pictures at high altitudes. A polarizing filter screens out glare from shiny surfaces, such as water and glass. A color filter increases contrast in black-and-white photographs. It lets light of its own color pass through the lens to the film but holds back certain other colors. As a result, objects that are the same color as the filter appear light in the picture, and the blocked colors are dark. Suppose you use a red filter when taking a black-and-white photograph of an apple tree. The apples will look light gray, and the leaves and the sky will be dark gray or black. Developing and PrintingMost amateur photographers have their film processed in commercial laboratories. However, an increasing number of photographers develop and print their own pictures. By processing the film themselves, they can change the size, composition, contrast, and other features of the photographs. Black-and-white film and color film are developed and printed in much the same way. However, the processing of color film requires a few extra steps and some additional materials. Most types of film are removed from the camera and processed in a darkroom or a photographic laboratory. Instant film produces photographs directly from the camera. Developing black-and-white film requires two or more chemical solutions, several pieces of equipment, and running water. The chemical solutions should be stored in amber-colored bottles made of polyethylene plastic. Such bottles are highly resistant to chemicals and keep light from harming the solutions. Each bottle should be clearly labeled with the name of its contents. Undeveloped film must not be exposed to light, and so a completely dark room or a lightproof changing bag are also needed.
The developing process has five basic steps. First, a chemical called a developer converts the exposed silver salts on the film's emulsion into metallic silver. The action of the developer is then stopped either by water or by a chemical solution known as a stop bath. In the third step, a chemical called a fixer, or hypo, dissolves the unexposed silver salts so they can be washed away. The fixer also contains a special hardening agent that makes the emulsion resistant to scratches. Next, the film is washed to remove the unexposed salts and the remaining chemicals. In the final step, the film is dried. The developed film is now a negative on which a visible, permanent image has been recorded.
If you wish to process film yourself, first darken the room or use a changing bag and remove the film from its spool. Then wind the film onto a reel that fits inside a lightproof developing tank. This tank is designed so that liquids can be poured into or out of it without removing the lid. After the film is in the developing tank, you can work on it in the light. Different types of developers and fixers are used for various kinds of film. The instructions provided with the film specify the type of solutions to use and the correct temperatures for the best results. Temperature is particularly important for the developer. Negatives will be overdeveloped if the developer is too warm, or underdeveloped if it is too cold. The instructions also tell you how long to treat the film with the various solutions. To ensure proper development, each operation should be timed exactly. After the developer has been heated or cooled to the correct temperature, pour the chemical into the developing tank. Then agitate the tank for 30 seconds by repeatedly turning it upside down and back again in a steady movement. Agitation keeps a fresh supply of the developer in contact with the film so the image on the film's surface develops evenly. Next, rap the tank on a hard surface to dislodge any air bubbles. Air bubbles can leave spots on the film. While the developer is in the tank, the film should be agitated at half-minute or one-minute intervals after the first 30 seconds. When the developer has been in the developing tank for the specified time, pour it out and fill the tank with either running water or a stop-bath solution. Agitate the tank vigorously for about 10 seconds, and then drain it and pour in the fixer. After the fixing bath, which may last from 2 to 10 minutes, rinse the film with water or a special washing agent. Such an agent reduces the washing time from about 20 minutes to about 5 minutes. The film should then be treated with a wetting agent to remove any water spots. To dry the film, unwind it from the reel in the developing tank and hang it in a dust-free area. A clip or a clothespin should be attached to the lower end of the film to prevent the film from curling. As soon as the film has dried completely, cut it into strips of from four to six negatives. Store the strips of negatives in film envelopes in a clean, dry place. Negatives can easily be scratched or bent, and so you should handle them by the edges. Printing black-and-white photographs is a process similar to making negatives. Printing paper is coated with an emulsion containing silver salts. During the printing process, light exposes the salts and forms a latent image on the printing paper. The paper must be developed before it can produce the visible image that will appear in the finished print. To develop the printing paper, repeat the steps used in developing film. However, the paper is generally placed in open printing trays rather than in a developing tank, and different chemicals are used. To protect the latent image, you should work under a safelight. This kind of light illuminates the work area but does not expose the printing paper. There are two principal methods of printing black-and-white photographs, contact printing and projection printing. Each process requires special equipment and produces a different type of print. Contact printing is the simplest method. To make a contact print, place the strips of negatives on a sheet of printing paper and cover them with a piece of glass. Use a printing frame, a printing box, or some similar device to hold the negatives and paper in place. Shine a light through the glass for a few seconds, and then remove the paper and develop it. If the print is too dark, repeat the process with a shorter exposure time. If the print is too light, use a longer exposure. Contact printing is a quick, inexpensive way to preview photographs before making the final prints. Contact prints are the same size as the negatives, and so you can print an entire roll of film in one operation. For example, a 36-exposure roll of 35-millimeter film can be contact printed on a sheet of paper that measures 8-by-10 inches (20-by-25 centimeters). Projection printing, or enlarging, produces photographs that are larger than their negatives. In projection printing, the negative is placed in a device called an enlarger. The enlarger projects the negative image onto printing paper in much the same way as a slide projector throws an image onto a screen. The image on the printing paper is larger than that on the negative. The size of this projected image depends on the distance between the negative and the paper. The greater the distance, the larger the image.
Enlargers have three basic parts, the head, the baseboard, and a rigid column that supports the head and is connected to the baseboard. The head contains a lens, a carrier for the negative, and a source of light. Like many cameras, the enlarger head also has a focusing control and an adjustable aperture. An easel on the baseboard holds the printing paper. During the enlarging process, the lens focuses the negative image on the printing paper, and light from the light source passes through the negative and exposes the paper. The head of an enlarger can be raised or lowered to change the size of the image on the printing paper. This flexibility in size enables you to change the composition of the picture as well as enlarge the size of prints. By making the image larger than the intended print, you can crop undesirable areas along the edges and reposition the elements of the picture. Before using an enlarger, you should clean the negative carefully with a camel's-hair brush or an aerosol device. Particles of dust on a negative may show up as white spots on the finished prints. Place the negative in the carrier, turn on the enlarger light, and focus the image on a piece of plain white paper or cardboard in the easel. Next, adjust the aperture. For most prints, you should at first set the aperture at a medium f-stop, such as f/8. After the image has been focused and framed, turn off the enlarger light and the light in the work area, and turn on the safelight. Then insert a sheet of printing paper into the easel. The next step in the enlarging process is to determine the proper exposure time for the print by making test strips. Test strips are portions of a print that have been exposed for different amounts of time, generally ranging from 10 seconds to 50 seconds. After the test strips have been developed, you can decide which of the exposure times produced the best result. If all the test strips appear too light, open up the enlarger lens by two f-stops and make another set of strips. If the test strips are all too dark, close down the lens by two f-stops and repeat the procedure. If only one area of the print turns out too light, you can darken the area by burning in the print. In this technique, a piece of cardboard with a small hole in it is held over the area to be darkened. Light passes through the hole in the cardboard and exposes the area, which then becomes darker. If an area of the print is too dark, it can be lightened by means of dodging. This procedure involves covering the dark area with a special dodging tool or a cardboard disk during part of the exposure time. The covered area will appear lighter in relation to the fully exposed parts of the print. Overall contrast in prints is determined largely by the type of printing paper used. Printing papers are graded by number from 0 to 6 according to the degree of contrast produced in the prints. The higher the number, the greater the degree of contrast. A high-contrast paper, such as No. 4, is generally used to print a normal range of tones from a negative that has little contrast. Paper No. 1, a low-contrast paper, may be used to reduce the contrast in a negative that has extreme light and dark tones. Some papers contain different grades of contrast. These multicontrast papers require different colors of light to produce each grade. You can change the color of the enlarger light by placing a colored printing filter over the lens. In addition to contrast, printing papers vary in several characteristics that affect the appearance of prints. One of these characteristics is tone. In a photograph printed on warm-toned paper, the color black is reproduced as brown. On cold-toned paper, black appears blue. Another feature of printing papers is surface, which ranges from matte (dull) to glossy. Developing color film involves the same basic procedures as black-and-white developing. However, the chemical processes in color developing are much more complicated. To understand these processes, you need to know some of the basic principles of color. Color depends chiefly on light. Although most light looks white to the eye, it is actually a mixture of three primary colors--blue, green, and red. Any color can be produced by blending these three colors of light. See Color. Color film contains three layers of emulsions. These emulsions are similar to the emulsion on black-and-white film. But in color film, each of the emulsions is sensitive to only one of the primary colors of light. During exposure, the first emulsion reacts only to blue light, the second emulsion only to green light, and the third only to red light. When color film is exposed, light strikes the first emulsion and forms an image on the blue areas of the scene. The light then passes through the second emulsion, forming an image of the green areas. Finally, the light goes through the third emulsion and records an image of the red areas. Three latent images are thus recorded on the film. The developing process changes color film in two main ways. First, the developer converts the exposed silver salts on the emulsions into metallic silver. The silver image produced on each layer of emulsion represents the color of light--blue, green, or red--that exposed the emulsion. Second, the developer activates a substance called a coupler in each emulsion. Couplers unite with chemicals in the developer to produce colored dyes. The colors of the dyes are the complements (opposite colors) of the light that exposed the emulsions. Yellow is the complement of blue, and so a yellow dye forms in the first layer. In the second layer, the dye is magenta (purplish-red) because magenta is the complement of green. The dye in the third layer is cyan (bluish-green), the complement of red. Complementary colors are used as dyes because they reproduce the original colors of the subject when the film is processed into photographs. Both color reversal film, which produces slides, and color negative film, which makes prints, record colored images in the same way. However, different materials and slightly different procedures are used to develop each type of film. Color reversal film requires two different developers. The first developer changes the exposed silver salts on the film into metallic silver. The film is then reexposed or treated with a chemical agent so that the remaining silver salts can be developed. The second developer activates the couplers in the emulsions, causing colored dyes to form around the silver image in each emulsion layer. After the silver has been bleached out of the images, the images remain as transparent areas on the film. The developed film, called a positive, can be cut into separate pictures and mounted as slides. On a slide, each area of the subject is transparent in one of the emulsion layers. In each of the other two layers, the area has a complementary color different from that of its original color. For example, the image of a blue sky would be transparent in the first emulsion layer. The image would be magenta (the complement of green) in the second layer and cyan (the complement of red) in the third layer. When light passes through the slide, each dye acts as a filter on a primary color. The magenta layer holds back green light, and the cyan layer holds back red light. As a result, only blue light passes through the transparent area of the slide, and the sky appears blue. Color negative film is treated with only one developer. The developer converts the exposed silver salts into metallic silver and activates the dye couplers at the same time. After the developing procedure, each area of the subject appears on a layer of emulsion in a color complementary to the original color. For example, a blue object would be recorded as a yellow image on the first emulsion layer, and a green one would appear as a magenta image on the second layer. The colors of the images are reversed to their original shades during the printing process. Printing color photographs involves the same chemical processes as those in the development of color film. Like color film, color printing paper has three layers of emulsions, each of which is sensitive to one of the primary colors of light. During printing, the yellow, magenta, and cyan dyes on the negative hold back light of their complementary colors--that is, each dye filters out one of the primary colors. Thus, the colors of light that expose the printing paper are the opposite of those that exposed the film. When the paper is developed, couplers in the emulsion layers form dyes that reproduce the colors of the subject. Certain features of color prints can be changed by some of the same techniques used in black-and-white printing--adjusting the exposure, cropping, burning in, and dodging. In addition, the color balance of the prints can be adjusted by placing color filters over the enlarger lens. These filters, which are tinted in various shades of yellow, magenta, and cyan, reduce the intensity of the corresponding primary colors in the print. If the blue tones in the print are too strong, for example, you should put a yellow filter on the enlarger lens and repeat the printing procedure. Color prints can be made from color slides as well as from color negatives. The same basic printing procedures are used in making slides and negatives. However, the effects of exposure are reversed with slides, which contain positive images. In printing from negatives, for example, a longer exposure makes a print darker. But in printing from slides, the same exposure time makes a print lighter. The effects of color filters are also reversed in making prints from slides. Strong colors in such prints are balanced by using filters of the same colors rather than of complementary colors. Instant processing. Instant film produces prints in from 15 seconds to 8 minutes, depending on the type of film that is used. When the exposed film is taken out of an instant camera, it is covered by a lightproof sheath. This sheath can be either a sheet of paper or an opaque (nontransparent) layer of chemicals. The sheath serves as a kind of darkroom for the processing of the film. If the film has a paper sheath, the sheet of paper is peeled from the print after the specified developing time. If the film has a chemical sheath, the print is finished when the opaque layer turns completely transparent. Instant prints are processed in much the same way as contact prints. The chief difference between the two procedures is that the negative and the positive of an instant print are developed at the same time rather than in separate stages. Instant black-and-white film contains layers of negative and positive emulsions, with a packet of jellylike developing chemicals between the layers. After exposure, the film passes through a pair of steel rollers in the camera. The pressure of the rollers causes the packet to burst, releasing the developing chemicals. The chemicals immediately convert the exposed silver salts on the negative layer into metallic silver. Within a few seconds, the unexposed salts move to the positive layer. There, they are changed into silver, forming a positive image on the print. Instant color film has layers of colored dyes in addition to negative and positive emulsions and a packet of developing chemicals. When the chemicals are released, they develop the silver salts and activate the colored dyes at the same time. An image in colors complementary to those of the subject forms on the negative layer of emulsion. Then the image is transferred onto the positive emulsion layer, where the colors are reversed to the original ones. HistoryA camera obscura could only project images onto a screen or a piece of paper. Scientists sought a way to make the images permanent. In 1727, a German physicist named Johann H. Schulze discovered that silver salts turn dark when exposed to light. About 50 years later, Carl Scheele, a Swedish chemist, showed that the changes caused in the salts by light could be made permanent by chemical treatment. However, these discoveries were not used for photography until the 1830's. Meanwhile, a French inventor named Joseph Nicephore Niepce found a way to produce a permanent image in a camera obscura. In 1826, he coated a metal plate with a light-sensitive chemical and then exposed the plate in the camera for about eight hours. The resulting picture, showing the view from Niepce's window, was the world's first photograph. Niepce's technique was perfected during the 1830's by the French inventor Louis Daguerre. Daguerre exposed a sheet of silver-coated copper, developed the image with mercury vapor, and then "fixed" it with table salt. His pictures, called daguerreotypes, required a relatively short exposure of 15 to 30 seconds and produced sharp, detailed images. In 1839, the same year Daguerre patented his process, a British inventor named William H. Fox Talbot announced his invention of light-sensitive paper. This paper produced a negative from which positive prints could be made. Fox Talbot's friend, the astronomer Sir John Herschel, called the invention photography. Herschel suggested the use of sodium thiosulfate (hypo) as a fixing agent. Both Daguerre and Fox Talbot then began using this chemical in their processes. Fox Talbot's paper prints, which were called talbotypes or calotypes, did not contain images as sharp as those of daguerreotypes. But the negative-to-positive process of making photographs had two important advantages. It produced many prints from one exposure, and the pictures could be included in books, newspapers, and other printed materials. In addition to the new developing and printing processes, photography was greatly improved during the 1840's by the introduction of specialized lenses. A Hungarian mathematician named Josef M. Petzval designed two types of lenses, one for making portraits and the other for landscape pictures. The portrait lens admitted much more light than previous lenses had and so reduced the exposure time to a few minutes. The landscape lens produced sharper pictures of large areas than previously had been possible. The beginnings of modern photography. During the second half of the 1800's, scientists further improved photographic processes and the design of cameras. These advances enabled photographers to experiment with the artistic possibilities of photography. Technical improvements. In 1851, a British photographer named Frederick S. Archer introduced a photographic process that greatly reduced exposure time and improved the quality of prints. In Archer's process, a glass plate was coated with a mixture of silver salts and an emulsion made of a wet, sticky substance called collodion. After being exposed for a few seconds, the plate was developed into a negative and then treated with a fixing agent. The collodion had to remain moist during exposure and developing, and so a photographer had to process pictures immediately after taking them. Many photographers traveled in wagons that served as a darkroom and a developing laboratory. The invention of the dry-plate process overcame the inconvenience of the collodion method. In 1871, Richard L. Maddox, a British physician, used an emulsion of gelatin to coat photographic plates. Unlike collodion, gelatin dried on a plate without harming the silver salts. By using dry plates, photographers did not have to process a picture immediately. The use of gelatin also eliminated the necessity of keeping a camera motionless on a tripod during exposure. By the late 1870's, improvements in the gelatin emulsion had reduced exposure time to 1/25 of a second or even less. Photographers could now take pictures while holding the camera in their hands. In addition to giving photographers greater mobility and freedom, the introduction of the gelatin emulsion revolutionized the design of cameras. Earlier types of printing paper could only be contact printed, and, therefore, negatives had to be as large as the intended print. But photos on paper coated with gelatin could be made by projection printing. Photographers could enlarge such pictures during the printing process, and so the size of negatives could be reduced. Smaller negatives meant smaller cameras. In 1888, George Eastman, an American dry-plate manufacturer, introduced the Kodak box camera. The Kodak was the first camera designed specifically for mass production and amateur use. It was lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to operate. The Kodak system also eliminated the need for photographers to process their own pictures. The Kodak used a roll of gelatin-coated film that could record 100 round photographs. After a roll had been used, a person sent the camera with the film inside to one of Eastman's processing plants. The plant developed the film, made prints, and then returned the camera loaded with a new roll of film. The Kodak slogan declared: "You Press the Button, We Do the Rest." Artistic advances. During the 1850's and 1860's, many people began to experiment with the artistic possibilities of photography. One of the first to use a camera creatively was Gaspard Felix Tournachon, a French photographer who called himself Nadar. Nadar added a new element to portrait photography by emphasizing the pose and gestures characteristic of his subjects. However, his most famous achievement was the first aerial photograph, a view of Paris taken from a balloon. Another pioneer in portrait photography was the British photographer Julia M. Cameron. She emphasized expressiveness over technical quality, and so many of her pictures were blurred or out of focus. But Cameron captured the personalities of her subjects, who included such famous persons as Sir John Herschel and the British naturalist Charles Darwin. Landscapes and architecture were also popular subjects for early art photographers. During the 1850's and 1860's, a number of governments commissioned photographers to make visual records of important buildings and natural features in various countries. Photographs were taken of historical sites in Europe and the Middle East, the scenery of the American West, and many other major landmarks. Some of these pictures were remarkable not only for their technical excellence but also for the effort involved in taking them. In 1861, for example, two French photographers named Auguste and Louis Bisson withstood intense cold and avalanches to take pictures from the top of Mont Blanc in France. The brothers needed so much equipment that they took 25 porters up the mountain with them. Some of the most dramatic photographs of the mid-1800's are battlefield scenes. The earliest surviving pictures of this type were taken by Roger Fenton, a British journalist covering the Crimean War (1853-1856). The photos of the American Civil War (1861-1865) made by Mathew Brady and his assistants rank among the finest war pictures of all time. During the late 1800's, some photographers used their pictures to dramatize issues, rather than simply record events or create artistic effects. One such photographer was William H. Jackson, an American, who specialized in photographing the Far West. Jackson's photographs of the Yellowstone area helped persuade Congress to establish the world's first national park there. Two other American photographers, Jacob A. Riis and Lewis W. Hine, took pictures that exposed social evils. In 1888, Riis's photographs of the slums of New York City shocked the public and helped bring about the abolition of one of the city's worst districts. Hine, who was a sociologist, documented the miserable working conditions of the poor. His pictures of children working in coal mines and dimly lighted factories helped bring about the passage of child-labor laws. The photographic revolution. By the late 1800's, the development of photography was moving in two directions. The appearance of the Kodak camera and other inexpensive box cameras had led to a tremendous rise in the number of amateur photographers. Previously, photography had been limited to people who knew how to use complicated photographic equipment and could afford to buy this equipment. Now, almost anyone could take a picture. On the other hand, some photographers wanted photography to be considered a creative art in the tradition of drawing and painting. Many of these pictorial photographers tried to make their prints look like paintings. They used special printing techniques and paper to give their photographs a texture similar to that of painted canvases. Some photographers even colored the images with paint. In 1902, Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, and a number of other American photographers formed a group to promote photography as an independent art form. This group, which was called the Photo-Secession, organized photographic exhibitions in the United States and loaned collections of photos to exhibitors in many other countries. The idea that photographers should imitate painters was soon challenged. After about 1910, many photographers believed that unretouched photographs had a beauty and elegance unmatched by other works of art. Their ideal of "pure" photography influenced such later photographers as Edward Weston and Paul Strand of the United States. During the 1920's and early 1930's, photography underwent dramatic changes as the result of two major developments. First, photographic equipment was revolutionized by the miniature 35-millimeter camera and artificial lighting. The Leica camera, introduced in 1924 in Germany, was small enough to fit in a pocket, but it produced clear, detailed photographs. Many photographers used the Leica to take candid pictures, in which people did not know they were being photographed. The electric flashbulb, introduced in 1929, and electronic flash, invented in 1931, greatly expanded the range of photographic subjects. The second major development involved experimentation with new ways of composing pictures and viewing subjects. Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, a Hungarian, and Man Ray, an American, produced photographs without using a camera. They placed objects on a piece of printing paper and exposed the paper with a flashlight. Other photographers created abstract compositions with X-ray photographs and multiple exposures. The French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of the first to utilize the creative possibilities of the miniature camera. He tried to capture people's gestures and feelings at "decisive moments" of their lives. A technique called documentary photography developed in the 1930's. During the Great Depression, the Department of Agriculture hired photographers to survey conditions in rural areas of the United States. The outstanding photographers involved in this project included Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange. Their pictures portray the courage and suffering of poverty-stricken farm families. At the same time, the appearance of illustrated news magazines in Europe and the United States created a demand for news photographs. Such photojournalists as Margaret Bourke-White and Robert Capa, both of the United States, vividly recorded some of the most important people and dramatic events of the period. Other photographers of the 1930's and 1940's concentrated on ordinary subjects or natural scenery. Many pictures taken by Edward Weston and Paul Strand emphasize the textures and geometric shapes of everyday objects. Weston and Strand helped develop the technique of straight photography, which features sharply focused, detailed images. Another American photographer, Ansel Adams, specialized in landscapes, especially the mountains and deserts of the West. During the 1950's and 1960's, photographic styles became increasingly varied, particularly in the United States. The "street photography" of such photographers as Robert Frank and Garry Winogrand followed the tradition of documentary realism. Other photographers experimented with various printing techniques to achieve unusual effects. For example, Robert Heinecken produced some of the most imaginative photographs by making contact prints directly from the illustrated pages of magazines. Other photographers, including Minor White and Aaron Siskind, tried to convey a highly personal, almost spiritual view of the world in their work. The artistic possibilities of color photography were not fully explored until the 1970's. Color film had been popular among amateur photographers since it was first commercially produced in 1935. However, most professional photographers continued to work almost entirely with black-and-white film. The American photographers Ernst Haas and Marie Cosindas were among the first professionals to concentrate on color photography. Haas's work includes both realistic landscapes and abstract compositions. Cosindas, who chiefly uses instant color film, specializes in still lifes and portraits. Photography today is firmly established as both an art form and an essential tool in communication and research. Nearly all major art museums hold exhibitions of photographs, and a number of museums specialize in photographic art. A picture by a well-known photographer, such as Paul Strand, may cost as much as a fine painting. At the same time, the practical value of photography has steadily risen in many fields, ranging from advertising to zoology. Professional photography includes a greater variety of styles and themes than ever before. But much of the work can be broadly classified as either realistic or fanciful. Among the outstanding realistic photographers are Donald McCullin of Britain and Lee Friedlander of the United States. Many of their photographs vividly document the "social landscape" of their countries. Another realistic photographer is Harry Callahan of the United States, whose work includes detailed, sharply focused pictures that follow the principles of straight photography. Fanciful photographers may distort the appearance of objects in their pictures to create an illusion or convey a mood. The American photographer Jerry Uelsmann produces dreamlike images by combining several negatives into a single print. Another American photographer, Eileen Cowin, poses herself and her family in settings that suggest images from television soap operas. Amateur photographers use a wide variety of equipment and techniques. Cameras range from simple fixed-focus models to adjustable ones that have interchangeable lenses and many built-in features. Home processing of both black-and-white and color film has been simplified by easy-to-use equipment and fast-acting chemicals. Amateurs also shoot color home movies with available light, and they make videotape movies that can be shown on a television set. One of the greatest technical advances in both amateur and professional photography has been the instant processing of film. Ever since the instant camera was introduced in 1947, manufacturers have steadily improved the efficiency and ease of instant processing. The original model was bulky and expensive. But some of today's instant cameras are about the size of a paperback book and cost no more than a good standard camera. Many studio cameras can be adapted for instant photography by means of special attachments. CareersMany colleges and universities offer courses in photography, and some have programs that lead to advanced degrees in the subject. A number of art schools and technical schools also offer instruction and practical training in photography. Information about careers in photography can be obtained from Professional Photographers of America, Inc., in Des Plaines, Ill. Commercial photography. Most commercial photographers take pictures for advertisements or for illustrations that appear in books, magazines, and other publications. These photographers work with subjects as varied as farm equipment and high-fashion clothing, and they may be assigned to take photographs at a variety of locations. Commercial photographers must be skilled and imaginative in a wide range of photographic techniques. Portraiture. A portrait photographer takes pictures of people and of special events in the lives of these individuals. Some photographers in this field specialize in one type of portraiture, such as children, families, or weddings. Portrait photographers must know how to pose their subjects and how to create pleasing effects. Photojournalism. Most photojournalists take pictures for newspapers or newsmagazines. They must be skilled in seeking out and recording dramatic action in such fields as politics and sports. A photojournalist must also be able to take pictures rapidly and process them quickly. Scientific photography includes an increasing number of specialized areas. Major fields of scientific photography include medical photography and engineering photography. Medical photographers provide much of the information used by physicians to diagnose and treat illnesses. These photographers may work with such medical equipment as microscopes, X-ray machines, and infrared scanning systems. Engineering photographers help engineers improve the design of equipment and structural materials. These photographers sometimes use special cameras to "stop" the action of machines and to make visible the flaws in metal, plastic, and other materials. Other fields in photography include research, manufacturing, and film processing as well as business management and sales. Careers are also open to people who can teach photography or write about it. In addition, a growing number of museums employ people who are experts in the history of photography. Contributor: Robert A. Sobieszek, M.Phil., Curator, Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Related articles include: Camera; Camera Obscura; Color; Holography; Infrared Rays; Kirlian Photography; Lens; Light; Light Meter; Polarized Light; Projector; Stereoscope. QuestionsHow does contact printing differ from enlarging? Why do photographers use filters on cameras? What are some common mistakes in taking pictures? How did William H. Fox Talbot contribute to photography? Which two controls on a camera regulate exposure? Why is a fixer used in developing and printing? How can you photograph a fast-moving subject? What are some types of specialized lenses? What causes graininess in a photograph? Additional ResourcesEastman Kodak Company. More Joy of Photography: Advanced Techniques for More Creative Photographs. Rev. ed. Addison-Wesley, 1981. The Joy of Photographing People. 1983. The New Joy of Photography. 1985. Hedgecoe, John. The Book of Photography: How to See and Take Better Pictures. Rev. ed. 1984. The Photographer's Handbook. 3rd ed. Knopf, 1992. Langford, Michael J. The Master Guide to Photography. Knopf, 1982. The Darkroom Handbook. Rev. ed. 1984. Morgan, Terri, and Thaler, Shmuel. Photography: Take Your Best Shot. Lerner, 1991. For younger readers. Newhall, Beaumont. The History of Photography, From 1839 to the Present Day. 5th ed. Museum of Modern Art, 1982. Rosenblum, Naomi. A World History of Photography. Rev. ed. Abbeville, 1989. Master Index
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